To allow participants to take part in audio and video during a live session, the speaker must authorize them to request to speak.

To authorize broadcast participants, the speaker will have to perform these steps:

  1. Click on the Settings icon in the main menu
  2. select the section Permissions
  3. check the box Allow broadcast request
  4. click on the Apply button.

In order to activate a participant in audio / video, in fact, the speaker must receive the request to speak from the participant (which he can activate by clicking on the raised hand icon as in the image below).

Once the request is received, in the partecipants menu of the speaker, in correspondence with the name of the participant who forwarded the word request, the raised hand icon will appear. The speaker can authorize or deny the broadcast request.

The participant, once authorized to broadcast by the speaker, (after giving consent to the browser and the platform to use webcam and microphone), it can independently activate / deactivate its own webcam and its own microphone.

The speaker can at any time:

  • interrupt the broadcast of all participants
  • revoke a participant’s broadcast consent.


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